Welcome to the Corvus Effect, where we take you behind the scenes to explore integrated self leadership and help ambitious family men build lasting legacies for themselves, their tribe, and their community. I'm Scott Raven, and together we'll discover how successful leaders master a delicate balance of career advancement, personal health, financial growth, and meaningful relationships.

Get ready to soar

and hello everybody. Welcome back to the Corvus effect I'm Scott and this is the TL DL from my chat with Sharlee Lyons the TL DL stands for Too long, didn't listen. And certainly if this quick five minute summary of mine from our podcast episode entices you to go back and listen, please do. Sharlee was a wonderful guest bringing that athlete's mindset that she brings not only to her own life, but to her family's life as well.

And really we delved into her core message, which was how passion and authenticity. Create the foundation for transforming average performers into all stars. So let's dig deeper into that a bit. First, she talked about the power of mindset and goals and spoke about her own experience. She described herself as olive oil as a freshman to becoming a division one.

And really, it was about having clear goals and mindset in terms of what she wanted to become and that it came down to doing the reps, taking the wins. Taking the losses, having all of it with humility and grace while maintaining dignity and allowing herself to grow and develop into the powerhouse that she is and certainly as a baseball dad, I've got a son who's going through the game and I see him growing with every single day and particularly since baseball is a game that is predicated on failure.

So, um, you You fail at the plate seven out of ten times and you're in the Hall of Fame. So, learning how to deal with that and grow stronger is certainly something I resonate with in terms of powerful mindset. The second was to break free from average. And her exact quote was, Average is the thief. Of an all star, it's a comfort zone that keeps us from reaching our full potential.

So this is where we really delve into the importance of discovering authentic passion to drive relentless improvement. Certainly with what. I am doing with Corvus and here on the Corvus effect that I strive every single day to at least get 1 percent better and for that to compound over time, so that when I look back at it.

That I'll be amazed at where the journey has taken me. And certainly I bring the same thing to the people and the clients that I help. When you take a look at that, and I want you to ask yourself, are you striving to gain someone else's definition of success? Or your definition of success. And if it's not your definition of success, what is it going to take for you to break out of your comfort zone and go after what you truly want?

Give that a think, because that's a powerful question to be asking yourself. And then finally, we talked about how building strong foundations through family. Is paramount to the legacy live that we strive for and she uses her family really as a testing ground for a lot of leaderships that leadership principles that she puts into practice and she talks very well of the stages that her children went through in terms of.

Discipline up to age six, then training up to age 12, then coaching up to age 18 and ultimately friendship into the adult life and how she leverages that to ensure the right message with the right tonality gets to the right person at the right time. Certainly as a father of two kids. I can certainly relate to this.

There is a difference in terms of the way I interact with my son who's almost 14 versus my daughter who is 10. And that's not because I want to treat them differently. It is because the messaging that is required for them at the ages that they're at. Is different and being able to tailor while still maintaining high standards is not only important in their own parenting, but in the realm of anything that we do, where we are working and building connection with others, particularly to ourselves.

Talk about this in terms of. If you are full of negative self talk, you're going to see an enemy, not an ally in the mirror. And we always want to see ourselves as our best ally. So making sure we are giving ourselves the right tone is also important. So those are the big takeaways from my conversation with Sharlee.

If you found this summary helpful and you want to go back and listen to the full episode, I certainly encourage you to do so. You can find it on the Corvus effect. com. Certainly the wisdom that she shares about transforming average to all star is truly actionable and inspiring. And I encourage you to take a look deeper into her in terms of her insights on mentorship, authenticity, and creating lasting impact until next time.

Take care. I'll see you on the next episode of the Corvus Effect.

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Remember, it's time to soar towards your legacy.