Welcome to the Corvus effect. Where we take you behind the scenes to explore integrated self leadership and help ambitious family men build lasting legacies for themselves, their tribe, and their community. I'm Scott Raven, and together we'll discover how successful leaders master a delicate balance of career advancement, personal health, financial growth, and leadership.

Welcome back everybody to the Corpus Effect. I am Scott, and this is the TLDL episode from my conversation with Michael McCree, TLDL short for too long, didn't listen. So you didn't have time to listen to the full episode. No worries. I've got your back in this. Five to seven minutes summary from my conversation with Michael.

If you enjoy this summary, certainly encourage you to go back and listen to the full episode as Michael is a wonderful human being in terms of the way that he has. Taking the lessons that he's learned from his own lifetime with baseball and being able to apply them to the youth that he works with particularly he's a coach to my son's travel team and Really as we got into it the core message that he brought is how sports builds mental toughness and character that translates far beyond the playing field.

And as we think about what it means to be accomplished and aspire, particularly in our career, that is a lesson that all of us can take to heart. So let's dive into some of the key points from our discussion. The first is how the mental game Dominates what transpires in your life. And Michael certainly talked about this in terms of both his own athletic success and also the success of those he's had the opportunity to work with, that it was the mental side, not the physical side that was more important and correlated to the results that we're seeing.

And there's an importance in terms of being able to handle pressure, criticism. And adversity in early life and certainly me as a dad to, as I'm going through baseball, I see this in terms of the way that he handles his wins and his failures. I certainly reflect on my own upbringing. I was big into tennis and looking back at it that I did not handle those moments of failure as well as I could have.

And that did not provide me the opportunity to grow at that time, which certainly would have helped me on the tennis court, but also certainly would have helped me in life as well. And it was just that I wasn't ready for those lessons until later on. So the earlier that we can learn. That the mental game has a extreme impact in the success that we have, regardless of what arena we're playing in, right?

That is a key lesson for us to take away. The second was that preparation builds confidence. Do the reps. And Michael talked very eloquently in terms of putting in the work in the controlled environment before game time. hitting off the tee, doing the same ground field work over and over and over again, proper stretching, proper diet, et cetera, right?

And that there's a parallel between the ability to put those fundamentals into an environment like sports and into Other environments that we may be in, such as academia for tests, the workplace for presentation, whatever it is, the prep builds the confidence and certainly as I take a look at my own journey and I reflect on it, I see that we not only some of my major wins in life, but also some of my major learnings preparation that I put into them.

Effective preparation is very correlated. And we talk about effective preparation. There are two elements to it. Number one, the amount of prep. That you put in the quantity, but then second, the type of preparation, did you do the right prep for the opportunity and understanding what that prep is? Or if you don't have clear clarity, asking somebody who's been there, done that.

in terms of what you should be doing. Certainly, very fundamental trait that winners have in terms of the way they view preparation, and certainly agree with Michael there. Then finally, we talked about character development through leadership, and how in Michael's own journey, he developed from being a quiet player, all things considered, To an impactful coach by just being authentic to his style.

He's not very showy. He's relatively soft spoken, but when he speaks. He speaks with power, and he speaks with intentionality, and he speaks with a manner that his players respect him, and that he models the behavior that he wants them to exhibit. And certainly, as I take a look at it, and I take a look at both where I've succeeded and where I've had my learnings, and I Say, was I acting in the way that I wanted to act?

Was I being true to me? Or was I trying to be a chameleon to make somebody else happy? Right? That's something certainly I've learned in terms of having the power of discipline to stay true to you. Because The power of discipline will overcome the pain of regret. And I don't think any of us in our lives want to be in a point where we have the regrets that haunt us.

We want to have the power to Enable our lives to the fullest and that comes with discipline that comes with character that comes with being your true Authentic self in life certainly Michael brings the forefront and I'm very grateful that he brings that to my son So those were the big takeaways from my chat with Michael Hope you enjoyed this summary if you did and you want to listen to the full episode Please check it out.

It is on the Corvus effect dot com. If you like the podcast, please subscribe and share with those who could benefit from it. Until next time, I'm Scott. See you next time on the Corvus effect. Take care. Thank you for joining me on the Corvus effect to access today's show notes, resources, and links mentioned in this episode.

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You won't want to miss future conversations that could transform your approach to leadership and life. Join me next episode as we continue our journey towards building. Lasting legacies that matter. Remember, it's time to soar towards your legacy.