Welcome to the Corvus Effect, where we take you behind the scenes to explore integrated self leadership and help ambitious family men build lasting legacies for themselves, their tribe, and their community. I'm Scott Raven, and together we'll discover how successful leaders master a delicate balance of career advancement, personal health, financial growth, and meaningful relationships.
Get ready to soar.
Hey everybody, this is Scott and welcome to the TLDL from my conversation with Mark Holden. So for those who don't know, TLDL is short for too long. Didn't listen. And this is my quick five minute summary based on the interview that I had with Mark. If you enjoy this summary and want to listen to the full.
I encourage you to do so. Cause Mark was a wonderful guest to have on the Corpus effect. And, you know, the core message from the fascinating chat that we had is how releasing ourselves from our limiting beliefs and negative self talk enables authentic growth. In both our professional and personal lives.
And there are a couple of key points from my chat with Mark that I wanted to delve into a bit. And one of the biggest ones was the power of character evolution. Yeah. Mark has a very fascinating journey from starting in theater. And moving into finance, which the two of them seem like completely unrelated worlds, but how, what was seemingly unrelated about them helped build valuable skills because it brought uniqueness to the table.
So, for example. His improv background allowed him the creativity in order to make bold choices that allowed him to flourish in the financial world because he was able to bring his true and authentic self to everything that he did. When I take a look at my own story and my own path from being a person climbing up the corporate ladder, To what I'm doing today with Corvus and the Corvus effect.
It just goes to show how your past experiences can help shape the future in ways you didn't even think were possible. You just have to look at the world a little bit differently. So having a different perspective and allowing yourself to evolve over time while still taking the lessons that you learned from the past is definitely a key to.
Our drive towards legacy. We also talked about breaking free from financial psychology. And one of the biggest things that Mark mentioned is that the whole concept of retirement planning, it needs to evolve. Beyond the traditional work until you can models.
I was the person who it's like, get to this number by this age and be able to say, I have reached the goals, therefore I can retire nothing in life. Is certain, nothing is guaranteed, not even tomorrow. So we have to take a look at that concept a little bit differently. And one of the biggest things is to see that the wealth and money that you are acquiring, that it is a tool.
We, as people, assign value to it and assign emotion to it, but money is simply a tool. By looking at it as. A tool to what you want to accomplish at a certain time is the way to go about it.
And this resonates with my own journey in terms of the folks that I'm working with and that they've come up with what I'll call our rigid definition of success, mainly from they've put a lot of years into. A certain job, a certain employer, et cetera. They've been conditioned that these are the things that you need to do to evolve to the next step.
And that they then really stepped back to say, wait a minute. What do I want? What is my true North that I want to pursue and how do I go about doing that in an authentic manner and that all of these. Skills and people, that I've been blessed to have along the way. How do they enable me to get to where I want to go?
So being able to reshape that psychology is definitely something important in terms of our journey towards legacy. And then finally, we talked about how parental leadership. Is another area where evolving plays a critical need. And particularly as Mark and I were talking about how to better serve his daughter's needs, particularly, his daughter who is into competitive weightlifting.
Now that is very, very unique and rare, but it also forced him to. Adapt and evolve his parenting style such that he did things like learning to pause between what was occurring and how he responded so that he was a better supporting element of his daughter's lives and their pursuits. And certainly as dad myself, I connect deeply on this in terms of there are lots of different things where I have something which comes in my life or it comes into my kid's life.
And you feel that tension in terms of, I want to respond. I want to be there to support my kids, , but sometimes just. Taking a break and not reacting and letting the situation play out a little bit and allowing it to help shape your kids lives in the most impactful manner.
Because ultimately. We want them to lead independent lives of their own. We want them to be able to deal with the highs and lows that come along with the joy of life. And by not coming in as a helicopter parent, by being able to be there when you need to be there, be present and responsive. But also allowing your kids to stub their toe every so often.
That's something that I think Mark and I would both emphasize. So, at the end of the day, Mark really concluded this wonderful episode with something that I think is brilliant. He said, I released you from negative self talk. So, if you have that committee going inside you. Mark and I release you from that negative self talk. So I hope that you enjoyed this TLDL if you enjoyed this, please go back and listen to the full episode. It was a fantastic conversation between me and Mark, and please remember to subscribe and share this episode so that we can continue to get the word out and help continue to strive towards the legacies that we're all looking to achieve until then.
I'll see you next time on the Corvus effect. Take care.
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Remember, it's time to soar towards your legacy.