Welcome to the Corvus Effect, where we take you behind the scenes to explore integrated self leadership and help ambitious family men build lasting legacies for themselves, their tribe, and their community. I'm Scott Raven, and together we'll discover how successful leaders master a delicate balance of career advancement, personal health, financial growth, and meaningful relationships.
Get ready to soar.
And hello everybody. Welcome back to the chorus effect. This is Scott and this is the T L D L from my conversation with Luis Montero T LDL. Standing for too long. Didn't listen. And these are quick five to seven summaries of the conversation that I had with my guests. I encourage you. If you enjoy the T L D L and want to go back and hear the full episode, please do because Lewis is a phenomenal human being. And really want to focus in on his core message from our conversation, which is embracing cultural authenticity and how it has helped him create. And extraordinary impact on both his business and his life.
So let's dive in a little bit in terms of the power of cultural adaptability. So Louis his unique journey growing up as Cuban Spanish in the south. So you don't really think of those two cultures blending so well. It taught him to navigate. Different cultural spaces effortlessly and be able to take the environment that he was in and make it his own for lack of better term and that flexibility of movement. Allowed for his transition from engineering to creative leadership with agency that he runs. And how it allowed him the freedom to be able to transform wives of others.
And as I think about my own personal transition from being a corporate executive to what I'm doing today with Corvus and my focus on integrated leadership. I would definitely say the ability to allow yourself to broaden out. The ability to bridge different worlds and to make it so that areas which are not. What you've grown up in, but that you have the courage to try them and embrace them and be able to grow from them while staying authentically.
You. It's a powerful element. In terms of how you deliver real impact in this world. I'd love that about Luis and the other thing going into Luis is how authentic. Connections really matter. And he talked about this in terms of today's multicultural majority really reshaping the new mainstream that you see a wide array of. Different messaging, different patterns, different ability to build genuine cultural credibility. Versus for lack of better words saying, yeah, we have that that's part of our overall business model, but they don't talk it up.
They don't back it up with the actions which really connect and resonate with people of a particular culture. And as I think back on my journey, I grew up in Northeast Ohio in a very homogeneous environment for lack of better term. It wasn't until I got to Philly that I really started to embrace diversity in my life.
And that as a result, I crave having more and more people who have different cultures, different styles, different walks of life than I do so I can grow and learn from them. And so that's my encouragement to you is in order to build those authentic connections. I come at it with a sense of inquiry in terms of what can you learn? From another person's life.
Who's very different from yours, but that both of you can grow together. And finally. Louis talked about being able to balance roots and wings and being able to give both of his children strong cultural foundations. And the freedom to soar and how he maintains his ties to his cultural roots while being able to prepare his children for a multicultural world in a manner, that's going to allow them to soar towards their legacy. And for me. Raising a multicultural family with my wife being of Southeast Asian descent and that the balancing of our two upbringings, our two cultures and helping them embrace. Both sides of that. So that when they inch the world, they can bring the best of all worlds to create their own identity, create their own impact.
That's something that I relish and I know Luis does too. And I would encourage well, in order to do that in your own lives, bring all the different parts of you and your journey together to help others be able to. Go after what they want, but also be true to the cultural roots that you were raised from.
So again, if you enjoyed this tea, LDL, I encourage you to listen to the full conversation. Luis. He had wonderful insights on leadership and today's multicultural society. Definitely check out his award-winning company and culture that he has built and check out the Corpus effect.com for that full episode and all of the episodes that we have posted up again.
Thank you for. Your interest and please let's go make sure that we are doing what we should do, which is leading those integrated lives in order to create real impact in the world and help us all soar towards our legacy. Take care.
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Remember, it's time to soar towards your legacy.