Welcome to the Corvus Effect, where we take you behind the scenes to explore integrated self leadership and help ambitious family men build lasting legacies for themselves, their tribe, and their community. I'm Scott Raven, and together we'll discover how successful leaders master delicate balance of career advancement, personal health, financial growth, and meaningful relationships.

Get ready to soar.

Hey everybody, it is Scott. Welcome to this episode of The Corvus Effect. And this is the TLDL for my interview with Chris Marsh. For those not in the know, TLDL stands for Too Long, Didn't Listen. And, hey, I get it. Life gets in the way sometimes. But this is a quick recap of that episode, along with my perspective in terms of some of the key points.

I certainly encourage you to go back and listen to the full episode whenever you like. So, Chris His global journey through multiple cultures, multiple countries, how travel not only was the accelerant to him professionally, but personally, really, the core message in my chat with him was growing. By embracing discomfort and new experience.

And let's delve a little bit deeper into some of the key points. First off adaptability and growth. His travel experiences really parallel the transformation that we all take. In this journey known as life, nothing stays static and stable for that long. And if something is kind of blase for lack of a better term, wait five minutes.

It's probably going to change on you. So being able to move to the UK with just his backpack on and then parlaying that into the success that he had certainly was the embodiment of being comfortable with uncomfortable and being able to grow and adapt in new situations. And that's certainly the message that I want you guys to take away in your own journey, which is growth and comfort cannot coexist.

In order to be able to grow, you have to put yourself in a position. Where you are uncomfortable and making sure that you do take those opportunities to put yourself into those situations. The second is the value of authentic leadership, and Chris really touched on this beautifully in our chat in terms of the emphasis on just being a genuine human and having good connection and not having the masks between who he is at work.

And who he is at home, something that he learned from his grandmom. And I feel like particularly in today's professional environment, that in a lot of cases, there's an emphasis on be this, whatever that role function responsibility is versus be you, which is bringing your holistic best self. To whatever you are working on.

So putting an emphasis on finding ways to appropriately bring the BU into your environment, whether it's a BU working with us or a BU working for us, right? To allow your full authentic self to shine, not just say, Hey, I have to. Put a mask on or I have to limit myself to just this because this is the function that I'm being asked to do.

And then finally, we talked a lot about life transitions as Chris is going on a wonderful tour of Asia before relocating back to his original home in Australia and how it's kind of a time where he'll have personal growth. In a different way. Yes, there will be lots of wonderful new environments that he is going through and that he'll learn from that, but also the fact that he has been working very, very focused for so long, and now, all of a sudden, he's going to take some time, the sabbatical, if you will, in order to not only recharge, but to embrace all that life has to offer Outside of the professional pursuits and how the aim is that that will allow him to enjoy his next professional adventure even more so when he goes after it.

And certainly that's a message that we can all take when we're looking for how to optimize our own work life integration. I don't believe in work life balance, work life balance, I believe is mythical for lack of a better term. It doesn't exist. What I do believe is that work is one role in your holistic integrated life.

And the more that you can figure out what is the proper integration of all of the roles in your life, including work, the more fulfilled and happier you will be and how you do that. Not just with yourself, because you have to leave from yourself, but also with the Relationships, the tribe that is closest around you in order to bring that all together, particularly when you are having major life transitions.

So to recap on the chat that I have with Chris, being comfortable with being uncomfortable so that you can gain the growth that you are looking for in life, bringing the full you authentically. Into the leadership that you desire in that what you want to accomplish and handling life's transitions from a place of inquiry from a place of curiosity and allowing them to help grow and shape you to the point that your next adventures are even more fantastic.

Then they ventures that you've already had. If you enjoyed this recap, I encourage you to please listen to the full episode. Chris was a fantastic guest. Please feel free to subscribe and share with those who may find value with this. And I look forward to continuing to share with y'all on the next episode.

Take care.

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