Welcome to the Corvus Effect, where we take you behind the scenes to explore integrated self leadership and help ambitious family men build lasting legacies for themselves, their tribe, and their community. I'm Scott Raven, and together we'll discover how successful leaders master a delicate balance of career advancement, personal health, financial growth, and meaningful relationships.
Get ready to soar.
And hello everybody. Welcome to this episode of the Corvus effect. This is the T L D L from my conversation with Cesar brung. This is Scott. Thank you so much for listening in the TLD L. Is short for too long. Didn't listen. And I encourage you if this five minutes summary. I get you enticed to listen to the full episode, please do because Caesar was a phenomenal guest to have on the podcast, but I really want to focus in on the core message of my chat with him, which was that authenticity.
And self-awareness. Our key foundations for the transformation and leadership that we seek in our lives. And one of the biggest points that came from that conversation. Was the power of authentic leadership in the chat with Caesar as he was coming from Brazil into the states, trying to fit in culturally here, growing the ranks professionally, but still embracing his true self.
And as he alluded to. He really didn't become a superstar that he was until he brought his whole authentic self to the table. And certainly something I can relate to in terms of the development of the Corvus effect. At times I was too life focused at times I was too business focused. And it wasn't until I really focused on the holistic integration of the full, authentic self. That the Corvette's effect really took flight. So making sure we don't suppress. Parts of ourselves. And our journey is critically important because ultimately limits our impact and our potential. And we have to have the self belief that every single part of who we are is valuable and can drive the impact that we want. In ourselves. And others and our community. And another part of that conversation that I had with Caesar. Was being able to turn challenges into opportunities.
And both of us have had bouts of addiction in our lives. That really serve as the catalyst and backbone to come back stronger. And for both of us, it was alcoholism and certainly Caesar's speaks so eloquently about it. Ian, the podcast episode, mine was certainly something where. At the time that I was going through a rough professional patch and that position that I no longer had having come such a large part of my identity, and I didn't have the tools, skillset, mindset to deal with it appropriately. That I did turn to alcohol as a vice, as a feel good.
And it sent me to the hospital. And when I reflected afterwards, And how it really shaped my approach to helping others to understand everybody's going through something. Everybody's got challenges. They are trying to overcome. No one is perfect regardless of what they post on Facebook, Instagram, et cetera.
It's the traits that can challenge us to become our own best ally. If they are redirected in the right way. So don't look at. Shortcomings in the time and moment. Al's things that will negatively impact your life for the rest of your life. That's not the point. The point is to learn from them and grow from them. To turn that into a future strength and a future strength will open the door to opportunities. That would not necessarily be available.
Had you not gone through that lesson? And finally we talked about work-life integration and community impact and. Cesar describe briefly his approach to being able to prioritize across all the different roles in his life. Whether it be as a executive IHG, whether it be as a board member with communities here in the Atlanta area, whether it be with his passion purpose for helping men with alcoholism, whether it be with his family, ultimately being present wherever he was at the present time.
And. That's a big thing. In terms of the overall philosophy that we speak about here with the Corpus effect. That, when you're thinking about the leadership progression from self to community across career health, wealth, and connection. That it does not help you. If you are trying to multitask along the way, 99 out of a hundred people cannot effectively multitask odds are, it's not you.
I certainly know it is not me. So having full presence towards one element at one time. And being able to give it the focus that it requires. Now, part of that also means that you have to learn how to judge the opportunity costs of saying yes to one thing is going to lead to nos to another. So being able to understand what is the role or the need, which requires my presence at the appropriate time is a critical element to being able to have that holistically integrated life.
But the more that you do, the reps, the better you'll get at it. The better you get at it, the more fulfilled a life that you will have. So I hope this was helpful in terms of the TLDR with my conversation with Caesar. If you enjoyed this quick summary, I encourage you to listen to the full episode and certainly check Caesar out in terms of his book, which is available on Amazon and make sure that as you go way from this TLD L that you're bringing your full self-awareness and authenticity into all that you do for the transformation and leadership that you desire in your life.
Take care, everybody.
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Remember, it's time to soar towards your legacy.